Who in their right mind shops for 4 months to avoid the insane Christmas rush in the stores and then spends two hours Christmas Eve shopping? Ummmm, that would be me. Kicking myself in my own ass year after year -- and I've already said at least three times since yesterday that I'm going to buy all of my stocking stuffers throughout the year so I don't do this again next year. We'll see.
So the tree was surrounded with gifts - and 9 stockings. Each child had a gift in their stocking wrapped with a certain paper. That way we didn't have to worry about tags, about them making a mess hunting for their presents, etc. And when they opened a gift, they threw the paper out before getting the next gift to open. Sounds like the military, doesn't it? You try running a home with two adults, six children, a nanny, a bunny, and a dog. Strict as possible while still having fun.
It was a bit difficult for Britt (11). She's so used to being the "only child" since Jason's at college -- and lets just say that she's been maybe just a little spoiled at Christmas. She has her own computer/printer in her room, cellphone, iPod, etc. But it's so much easier buying for 1 (Jason always wanted money/gift cards) than for 5 (and Jason still wants money). So after she opened about 10 presents, she had this look on her face and was wondering where the rest of the gifts were. She didn't say it in a selfish tone - she is used to a different Christmas. And after my explanation that we now have an enormous home, new built-in pool, going to Mexico in August, and 4 more kids to buy for, she understood. Then we broke out the family gifts.... Guitar Hero 3 for Wii and a Ping Pong Table. They were all unbelievably excited. And that Guitar Hero 3 is the best invention known to man. Seriously - they were angels. No fighting over it. Playful competition. Ping Pong was the same. So we both breathed a collective sigh of relief. Ahhh - everyone is content. Life is good.
Kamila, our nanny from Poland, also spent the day with us. That warmed my heart, since many of her fellow nannies didn't spend the day with their host families. We've now "Americanized her", as she put it -- because for one of her gifts, I bought her this adorable green suede Coach purse. We'll miss her when she returns to Poland in May! She and Jason are plotting to take over NYC on Christmas Eve. Ummmmm, how funny that Jason asked his friend (who is hooking them up thru the police dept. for Times Square) if his nanny can come. She thought he meant "grandma". hahahah.... no... his NANNY. She laughed about it too - and when I told her she's not allowed to hang out with him because he'll corrupt her, her response was "I will watch him for you." :)
Did I mention Erik got me tickets to see Little Mermaid on Broadway?? I'm soooooo excited!! You've got to pucker your lips, like this. You've got to bat your eyes, like this. January 9th will be an awesome day in NYC -- and maybe we'll head over to Serendipity 3 (now that the mouse infestation is taken care of....) or Rosie O"Grady's for mousse.
The day was spent at our new home with our families. I enjoy having them over for the holidays -- it's less stressful for me to do it at my house than to have to pack them up and bring them somewhere that isn't kid-friendly. Besides, who else can fit everyone comfortably all on one floor -- and actually, all in one room? Nobody else.
So now that Christmas has come and gone, it's back to work. Because at lunch today when I went shopping for holiday decorations for next year, I realized I dipped into my overdraft. Uh oh... no more shopping until payday tomorrow.
2008 will be such an incredible year for us!! 226 days until we are married on the beautiful white sandy beaches of Cancun.